Usage: It is mainly used to detect the parameters of the series of red blood cells and hemoglobin, platelet and leukocyte in the blood. It is a vitro diagnostic equipment which is applied to quantitative analysis of blood cells of clinical and laboratory. Sample volume: Whole blood sample (venous)—13_L Pre-diluted sample(peripheral blood)—20_L Technicals: 1. Test Items: WBC, LY#, MO#, GR#, LY%, MO%, GR%, HGB, RBC, HCT, MCV, MCH, MCHC, RDW-CV, RDW-SD, PLT, PCT, MPV, PDW, WBC Histogram, RBC Histogram, PLT Histogram 2. Background Count: WBC: _0.3_109/L RBC: _0.03_1012/L HGB: _1g/L PLT: _10_109/L 3. Linearity: Test Item Test Range Allow Difference of Linearity WBC 0~6.0_109/L ±0.3_109/L 6.0~99.9_109/L ±5% RBC 0~0.99_1012/L ±0.05_1012/L 1.0~9.99_1012/L ±5% HGB 0~99 g/L ±2g/L 100~300 g/L ±2% PLT 0~99_109/L ±10_109/L 100~999_109/L ±10% 4. Repeatability: Test Item CV(%) Teat Range WBC _2 7.0~15.0_109/L RBC _0.5 3.5~6.0_1012/L HGB _1.5 110~180g/L PLT _4 150~500_109/L MCV _0.5 80~110fL 5. Sample Volume: Twig blood: 20_l 6. Dilution Ratio: WBC/HGB: 1:500 RBC/PLT: 1:50000 7. Interfaces: RS232 joint, USB, PS2, Parallel port 8. Test Speed: 60 samples/hours 9. Continuous Work Time: 8h